
class framenetcoreargs.CoreArgsFinder[source]

Bases: builtins.object

This class reads data from FrameNet and sued them to distinguishe core args from other args.

Variables:core_args – str List Dictionnary – The list of core args for each frame.
is_core_role(role, frame)[source]

Tells whether a role is a core role of a frame

  • arg (str.) – The role to test.
  • frame (str.) – The frame in which the argument occurs.
Returns bool:

True if the role was a core role, False otherwise.


Retrieve the data from the XML FrameNet files.

Parameters:dirname (str.) – The path to the XML files.
class framenetcoreargs.CoreArgsFinderTest(methodName='runTest')[source]


exception framenetcoreargs.NoSuchFrameError(frame)[source]

Bases: builtins.Exception

Trying to determine if a role is a core role of a frame that does not exist.

Variables:frame – str, the frame that does not exist.