Source code for rolematcher

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Map FrameNet and VerbNet roles """

import unittest
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import paths
from collections import defaultdict

# VN roles given by table 2 of
vn_roles_list = [
    "Actor", "Agent", "Asset", "Attribute", "Beneficiary", "Cause",
    "Co-Agent", "Co-Patient", "Co-Theme", # Not in the original list
    "Location", "Destination", "Source", "Experiencer", "Extent",
    "Instrument", "Material", "Product", "Patient", "Predicate",
    "Recipient", "Stimulus", "Theme", "Time", "Topic"]
# Added roles
vn_roles_additionnal = ["Goal", "Initial_Location", "Pivot", "Result",
    "Trajectory", "Value"]
# List of VN roles that won't trigger an error in unit tests
authorised_roles = vn_roles_list + vn_roles_additionnal

[docs]class RoleMatchingError(Exception): """ Missing data to compare a vn and a fn role :var msg: str, a message detailing what is missing """ def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return ("Error : {}".format(self.msg))
[docs]class VnFnRoleMatcher(): """Reads the mapping between VN and FN roles, and can then be used to compare them :var fn_roles: data structure used to store the mapping between VN and FN roles :var mappings: associate possible mapping (FN roles -> VN roles) to every FN frames :var issues: used to store statistics about the problem encoutered """ def __init__(self, path): # 4-dimensions matrix : # self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame][vn_class][i] is the # i-th possible VN role associated to fn_role for the frame fn_frame # and a verb in vn_class. self.fn_roles = {} # This is used to compute statistics, but plays no role in role matching self.mappings = {} self.issues = { # VerbNet roles stored in vn_roles_additionnal "new_vn_roles":{}, # FrameNet frames with various VerbNet classes attached "vbclass_dependent":0, # FrameNet frames with contradictory role mappings (depending on VerbNet class) "vbclass_contradictory":0, # FN roles that can correspond to several VN roles for the same frame "ambiguities":0, # FN roles that can correspond to several VN roles for the same frame and the same VN class "ambiguities2":0 } self._build_mapping(path)
[docs] def _build_mapping(self, path): root = ET.ElementTree(file=path) for mapping in root.getroot(): vn_class = mapping.attrib["class"] fn_frame = mapping.attrib["fnframe"] mapping_as_dict = {} for role in mapping.findall("roles/role"): vn_role = role.attrib["vnrole"] fn_role = role.attrib["fnrole"] vn_role = self._handle_co_roles(vn_role) mapping_as_dict[fn_role] = vn_role self._add_relation( fn_role, vn_role, fn_frame, vn_class) self._update_mapping_list(fn_frame, mapping_as_dict)
[docs] def _handle_co_roles(self, vn_role): if vn_role[-1] == "1": return vn_role[0:-1] if vn_role[-1] == "2": return "Co-"+vn_role[0:-1] return vn_role
[docs] def _update_mapping_list(self, fn_frame, new_mapping): if not fn_frame in self.mappings: self.mappings[fn_frame] = [] found = False for compare in self.mappings[fn_frame]: if compare == new_mapping: found = True break if not found: self.mappings[fn_frame].append(new_mapping)
[docs] def _add_relation(self, fn_role, vn_role, fn_frame, vn_class): if not fn_role in self.fn_roles: self.fn_roles[fn_role] = {"all":set()} if not fn_frame in self.fn_roles[fn_role]: self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame] = {"all":set()} if not vn_class in self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame]: self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame][vn_class] = set() self.fn_roles[fn_role]["all"].add(vn_role) self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame]["all"].add(vn_role) self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame][vn_class].add(vn_role)
[docs] def possible_vn_roles(self, fn_role, fn_frame = None, vn_classes = None): """Returns the set of VN roles that can be mapped to a FN role in a given context :param fn_role: The FrameNet role. :type fn_role: str. :parma vn_role: The VerbNet role. :type vn_role: str. :param fn_frame: The FrameNet frame in which the roles have to be mapped. :type fn_frame: str. :param vn_classes: A list of VerbNet classes for which the roles have to be mapped. :type vn_classes: str List. :returns: str List -- The list of VN roles """ if not fn_role in self.fn_roles: raise RoleMatchingError( "{} role does not seem"\ " to exist".format(fn_role)) if fn_frame == None and vn_classes == None: return self.fn_roles[fn_role]["all"] if fn_frame != None and not fn_frame in self.fn_roles[fn_role]: raise RoleMatchingError( "{} role does not seem"\ " to belong to frame {}".format(fn_role, fn_frame)) if vn_classes == None: return self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame]["all"] if fn_frame == None: frames = list(self.fn_roles[fn_role].keys()) frames.remove("all") else: frames = [fn_frame] vn_roles = set() for vn_class in vn_classes: # Use the format of the vn/fn mapping vn_class = "-".join(vn_class.split('-')[1:]) for frame in frames: while True: if vn_class in self.fn_roles[fn_role][frame]: vn_roles = vn_roles.union(self.fn_roles[fn_role][frame][vn_class]) break position = max(vn_class.rfind("-"), vn_class.rfind(".")) if position == -1: break vn_class = vn_class[0:position] if vn_roles == set(): # We don't have the mapping for any of the VN class provided in vn_classes raise RoleMatchingError( "None of the given VerbNet classes ({}) were corresponding to"\ " {} role and frame {}".format(vn_class, fn_role, fn_frame)) return vn_roles
[docs] def match(self, fn_role, vn_role, fn_frame = None, vn_classes = None): """Tell wether fn_role can be mapped to vn_role in a given context :param fn_role: The FrameNet role. :type fn_role: str. :parma vn_role: The VerbNet role. :type vn_role: str. :param fn_frame: The FrameNet frame in which the roles have to be mapped. :type fn_frame: str. :param vn_classes: A list of VerbNet classes for which the roles have to be mapped. :type vn_classes: str List. :returns: bool -- True if the two roles can be mapped, False otherwise """ return vn_role in self.possible_vn_roles(fn_role, fn_frame, vn_classes)
[docs] def build_frames_vnclasses_mapping(self): """ Builds a mapping between framenet frames and associated verbnet classes """ self.fn_frames = defaultdict(lambda : set()) for fn_role in self.fn_roles: if fn_role == "all": continue for fn_frame in self.fn_roles[fn_role]: if fn_frame == "all": continue for vn_class in self.fn_roles[fn_role][fn_frame]: if vn_class == "all": continue self.fn_frames[fn_frame].add(vn_class)
[docs]class VnFnRoleMatcherTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_parsing(self): matcher = VnFnRoleMatcher(paths.VNFN_MATCHING) num_role_frames = 0 for fnrole_name, fnrole_data in matcher.fn_roles.items(): for frame_name, frame_data in fnrole_data.items(): num_role_frames += 1 if frame_name == "all": continue for class_name, class_data in frame_data.items(): if class_name == "all": if len(class_data) > 1: matcher.issues["ambiguities"] += 1 continue if len(class_data) > 1: matcher.issues["ambiguities2"] += 1 for vnrole in class_data: if not vnrole in vn_roles_list: if not vnrole in matcher.issues["new_vn_roles"]: matcher.issues["new_vn_roles"][vnrole] = 0 matcher.issues["new_vn_roles"][vnrole] += 1 self.assertIn(vnrole, authorised_roles) for fn_frame,data in matcher.mappings.items(): contradictory = False for mapping in data: for arg, role in mapping.items(): for mapping2 in data: if arg in mapping2 and role != mapping2[arg]: contradictory = True if len(mapping) > 1: matcher.issues["vbclass_dependent"] += 1 if contradictory: matcher.issues["vbclass_contradictory"] += 1 print("Found {} fnrole-fnframe entries".format(num_role_frames)) print("{} different FrameNet frames".format(len(matcher.mappings))) print("{} frames have different possible mappings".format(matcher.issues["vbclass_dependent"])) print("{} frames have contradictory mappings".format(matcher.issues["vbclass_contradictory"])) print("Found {} cases of a FrameNet role corresponding to several"\ " VerbNet roles in the same FrameNet frame".format(matcher.issues["ambiguities"])) print("Found {} cases of a FrameNet role corresponding to several"\ " VerbNet roles in the same FrameNet frame for the same VerbNet"\ " class".format(matcher.issues["ambiguities2"])) for role, n in matcher.issues["new_vn_roles"].items(): print("VerbNet role \"{}\" was encountered {} time(s)".format( role, n))
[docs] def test_matching(self): matcher = VnFnRoleMatcher(paths.VNFN_MATCHING) self.assertTrue(matcher.match("Fixed_location", "Location")) self.assertFalse(matcher.match("Fixed_location", "Agent")) self.assertTrue(matcher.match("Connector", "Patient", "Inchoative_attaching")) self.assertFalse(matcher.match("Speaker", "Patient", "Talking_into")) self.assertTrue(matcher.match("Grantee", "Recipient", "Grant_permission", ["order-60"])) self.assertFalse(matcher.match("Message", "Agent", "Communication_manner", ["nonverbal_expression-40.2"])) with self.assertRaises(RoleMatchingError): matcher.match( "Non_existing_fn_role", "Agent") with self.assertRaises(RoleMatchingError): matcher.match( "Fixed_location", "Destination", "Non_existing_fn_frame") with self.assertRaises(RoleMatchingError): matcher.match( "Non_existing_fn_role", "Agent", "Talking_into") with self.assertRaises(RoleMatchingError): matcher.match( "Purpose", "Agent", "Non_existing_fn_frame", ["66"]) with self.assertRaises(RoleMatchingError): matcher.match( "Non_existing_fn_role", "Patient", "Grant_permission", ["order-60"])